Report: A Recent United Airlines Flight Endured a Ten Second Nose Dive And Came Within 800 Feet Of Slamming Into The Pacific Ocean Before The Pilots Saved The Day

David McNew. Getty Images.

Correction: I misread the report initially, it was a ten second nosedive, not 45. Still fucking terrifying, still almost landed in the ocean. Just wasn't nearly as long of a dive as I thought. Hand up that's on me. The original article called it a 45 second ideal. The new Daily Mail article posted later on today had the updated info that made it clearer. 

I don't know if it's just me but there's been a lot of wonky shit going on recently with airplanes, right? I feel like we just had multiple instances of late where planes nearly collided at airports. Now we've got this report about a United Airlines flight back in December engaging in a 45 second 10 second nose dive before pulling up just 800 feet short of hitting the Pacific Ocean. Totally normal everyday stuff. 

A United Airlines flight from Hawaii to San Francisco plummeted in the air and came within just 775 feet of the Pacific Ocean in a terrifying incident.

The previously unreported incident on December 18 follows multiple near-misses at U.S. airports in the last three months.

Just 71 seconds after takeoff from the Kahului Airport in Maui, the United Airlines Flight UA1722 bound for San Francisco reached 2,200 feet began a steep nosedive, according to NBC News and first reported by The Air Current. The ordeal lasted 45 seconds from takeoff till the aircraft stabilized.

 I simply would have had a heart attack during that dive and died before the pilots managed to get things back on track. Must have felt like an eternity. You fully come to grips that life is over and it's just gonna end with you in this stupid plane at the bottom of the ocean. 

Dropping 8,600 feet per minute? Get the fuck out of my face with that shit. Pulling 2.7 Gs out of nowhere cannot be good for the human body. And how about this part? After the plane recovered and resumed normal flight they just continued on their merry way for another FOUR HOURS until they reached their destination. We see a lot of freak-outs on planes that aren't warranted, but if I'm a passenger and they didn't make alcohol free the rest of the flight I'm rioting and then suing. No chance I'm sitting in my seat after that bullshit and soberly pretending everything is fine.  

It doesn't say in any of the articles but I bet they got like a free flight to two for all their troubles. Yeah that's totally what I want, a discount on my next flight where the pilot has another shot at losing control and putting us at the bottom of the ocean. Sweet, thank you for your kind-hearted consideration. I'm hoping the reason we haven't heard anything about this even though it happened in December is that they had to sign NDAs and got paid out the ass. Probably didn't happen, but in an era where everything is on social media it's odd this is the first we're hearing about this. 

This next part is lunacy. Upon landing in San Francisco the plane took off two hours later on its next scheduled flight. No need to inspect the plane and see why it just fell out of the sky like that. Nope, all systems go, let's cook. 

The incident lasted only 45 seconds before the aircraft recovered and landed safely in San Francisco. It departed on its next flight to Chicago just over two hours later.

A spokesperson for United told that a formal report was filed, the aircraft was inspected before its next flight and that the incident led to the pilots - who have fully cooperated with the investigation - receiving additional training. They have a combined 25,000 hours of flying time. 

How about being those clueless schmucks get ready to board their upcoming flight? These people were exiting the plane probably kissing the ground as they enter the airport and you're just sitting there early for your flight wondering why they're being so dramatic. No biggie, just a 10 second 45 second dive before pulling up a few seconds prior to your certain death. Enjoy your flight! 

P.S. As I was researching info for this blog I stumbled upon this Qatar Airways 787 that plunged to just 800 feet short of the sea just a few days ago. 

Between the UFOs, spy balloons, and all these close calls there's something going on here. 

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